Managing Employees
- Automatic Birthday Notifications
- Importing employees to SchoolMind
- Disabling Two-Factor Authentication for a user (admin guide)
- Managing employee's profile picture (admin guide)
- Setting position info for an employee
- Exporting employees
Managing Students
- Adding a new student to SchoolMind
- Managing enrollments in bulk
- Importing students to SchoolMind
- Importing student profile pictures in bulk
- Removing a parent from student's SchoolMind account
- Exporting students from SchoolMind
Managing Class Students
Managing Institution
- Enabling notifications for student enrollments
- Institution types in SchoolMind
- Enabling auto-signature option in text messages
- Managing push notification settings for an institution
- Restricting subject teachers to take attendance only during their own lessons
- Restricting subject teachers to take attendance only for their own lessons
Managing Institution Managers
Managing Mark Templates
Managing Attendance Templates
Managing Reports
Managing Permission Groups
System Settings
Managing WebHooks
- Configuring number settings for finance documents
- Adding a contract type
- Adding a payment type
- Adding a charge type
- Adding a discount type(s)
- Adding a charge
- Configuring number settings for shop documents
- Setting product availability based on a grade
- Adding or removing a tax rate
- Adding or removing a product type
- Managing inventory transfers
- Adding items to the inventory