In SchoolMind marks can be "locked" to prevent any updates after the mark was given. This is useful when for example the marks are finalized and the Principal doesn't want any updates to be made later.
1. In the left-hand side menu, click Institution > Manage Fixed Mark Templates.
2. Choose a Mark Template from the list, click Actions > Manage Limitations.
3. In the top right-hand corner, click Add New.
4. Now set the limitations for a mark.
- Item field shows a list of available marks. Choose a mark from the list for which you're adding a limitation.
- Start Date and End Date defines the time period for which the limitation is active.
- Lock Add defines whether adding a new mark is possible or not. Set Lock Add to Yes to prevent mark adding.
- Lock Update determines whether mark updating is possible or not. Set Lock Update to Yes to prevent mark updating.
- Hide for Students and Parents determines whether the mark will be visible to students and parent. If this is set to Yes, both students and parents won't be able to see the given mark.
Here's how it looks when a mark limitation is set:
This is how it looks from the teacher side:
How can a user override this limitation?
If you want certain users to have the ability to override this limitation, you can assign them special permission in the permission settings.
1. Go to System > Manage Permission Groups > choose a group > Actions > Manage Permissions.
2. Scroll down, and find Academic Module permissions. Under the Overrides section, enable the Override Fixed Mark Lock permission.
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