For any given homework assignment or an exam, there is an ability to link them to a mark. That way both teacher and student can know for which exact assignment or exam the mark was given to a student.
Classes using Fixed Mark Template
Linking homework assignment to a mark
1. Navigate to Academic module, Manage Assignments section, and add a new homework assignment.
2. When adding an assignment, under Mark Item field select to which mark item you are linking the assignment.
3. Click Save.
Now when giving a mark to a student for a mark item, there will be an option to select the homework assignment from the list.
Linking exam to a mark
1. Navigate to Academic module, Manage Exams section, and add a new exam.
2. When adding an exam, under Mark Item field select to which mark item you are linking the exam.
3. Click Save.
Now when giving a mark to a student for a mark item, there will be an option to select the exam from the list.
Giving marks
1. Navigate to Academic module, Manage Marks section.
2. Choose a subject for which you're entering marks.
3. Mark items which have exam or assignment linked to them have an icon shown as an indicator. Hover with a mouse cursor over a mark item to see the exam or assignment name.
4. Enter the marks and they'll be automatically linked to the assignment or an exam.
Here's a demonstration of how this works:
Student's view
Student can see in the Marks section for which assignment or an exam a mark was given to them.
Classes using Dynamic Mark Template
To be able to link assignment or exam to a dynamic mark, you need to make them linkable to assignments and exams in the Dynamic Mark Type options of the Institution module.
1. Navigate to Institution > Manage Dynamic Mark Types.
2. Choose a dynamic mark type from the list and click Actions > Update.
3. Under Linkable To field, set if the dynamic mark type is linkable to Assignment or Exam and click Save.
4. Do the same for all other mark types.
Giving marks and linking them to either homework assignment or an exam
1. Navigate to Academic module, Manage Marks section.
2. Choose a subject for which you are entering the mark and click Add New.
3. After selecting the Mark, select whether the mark Type is a homework assignment or an exam. Depending on which type you select, the relevant option will be offered as an option below; Assignment or Exam.
Student's view
Student can see in the Marks section for which assignment or an exam a mark was given to them.
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