With Alexa you can now talk to SchoolMind. You can ask Alexa to give you updates for your marks, attendance, exams or homework assignments assigned in SchoolMind.
You can also invoke SchoolMind using one-shot requests such as "ask SchoolMind".
In order to start using this skill, you need to:
1. Have an Amazon account.
2. Obtain the activation code from your SchoolMind Student account.
Obtaining the activation code from your SchoolMind Student account
1. Log in to your account and on the left-hand side click on Apps. At the top click on Generate.
2. Select Alexa and click on Generate button.
3. The activation code (app password) has been generated. Everything is ready now to be configured in the Amazon Alexa app.
Note: Copy the activation code and save it somewhere because you won't be able to view it again once you close the page.
Adding SchoolMind Skill to the Amazon Alexa app on your device
1. Install Amazon Alexa app on your device.
Amazon Alexa for iOS:
Amazon Alexa for Android:
2. Once you open and log in with your Amazon account, the setup process starts. Tap on Setting up Alexa App option.
3. Tap on your name to continue.
4. Give permissions to the app by taping Allow on every pop-up so the app can access your device's microphone, etc.
5. Tap Next until the setup process is finished.
6. Once the setup process is finished, find the Skills section. There you'll find the SchoolMind Skill you will add.
7. Search for "schoolmind" and tap on the given result.
8. Tap Enable to link this Skill to your Amazon account.
9. Enter the activation code you have generated earlier and click Validate.
10. If the activation code you've entered is correct, you'll get "SchoolMind has been successfully linked" message.
Note: If you lost or forgot your activation code, go to your SchoolMind student profile's App section and generate a new activation code.
Now SchoolMind Skill can be accessed on all your available Alexa devices. You can ask Alexa to tell you updates for marks, attendance, exams, and homework.
Here's how it looks when asking Alexa to check for mark updates on Echo Dot device:
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